He further directed that all commands in the new 6th Division would go to militiamen.
It further directed all regional offices that are already in Pagadian to continue their operations.
The Act further directs us to require companies that have not adopted such a code of ethics to explain why they have not done so.
Richard Stallman further directed development of the programs and documentation.
It further directed the Secret Service to aggressively pursue fraud in the food stamp program.
Its face was shorter than that of Palaeopropithecus, with its eyes directed further forward.
The court further directed the secretary to accept manual counts submitted prior to that deadline.
He further directed them to evaluate some specific families, saying he believed they were black and trying to pass as Indian.
I further direct that they shall attend the court as its servants.
The law further directed that all districts with more than 10,000 inhabitants had to issue police ordinances regarding housing hygiene.