A Franciscan priest further disclosed a confession made by a Badaga mercenary, who happened to be a relative of Jayavira's, regarding an impending betrayal.
In the third, Padmashree openly admits her love for Francis to her friend in Mumbai, and further discloses that she is going to propose to him.
He further disclosed that a hearing had been set for 2 P.M. yesterday on his petition for a temporary order restraining Gold Fields from buying any stock.
She further disclosed that Mr. Castro had brought equality to the Cuban people.
Moreover, he further disclosed that about two years before he had had an affair with a woman to whom he claimed he was an army officer.
Biosciences further disclosed that a proposed herd sale had fallen apart.
Roberts further discloses that, upon his return to the United States: "Because of all the stories in the news about my family, Riccobono was a bad name.
As Phar-Mor executives disclosed further details yesterday, several members of Congress said the company's charges bolstered the case for tighter Federal auditing regulations.
The company further disclosed during its interim results in October 1999, that it had lost nearly 17 billion from interest rate and currency swaps.
Turner further disclosed that the newly implemented Strategic Reorganization Plan, which took two years to create, would also save additional funds.