Relationships with these facilities further ensure patients have a smooth transition when they require the services of a larger medical center.
Strong Made in America requirements would further ensure that jobs and products would be created here at home.
To further ensure that doctors will read the material, part of it will be in boldface.
In other circumstances, the assassin might have preferred a corner, where he could further ensure his invisibility.
To further ensure impartiality, one third of the membership was to be renewed every two years (article 10).
Compensation, public records, and clear organizational policies would further ensure accountability.
To further ensure consistency, we conducted extensive examiner training.
To further ensure security, the ministers of justice of the three countries met on Thursday to study the issue and take appropriate enforcement measures.
It also centered the offender's weight in his shoulders, further ensuring a painful experience.
To further ensure its independence, the institute became an independent institution in 1989.