"There is usually very little music here, and it has been a very important part of my creative life that I wanted to expose further."
Market in Carmel, California which further exposed her to the wine business.
Confronted with the truth, Ava expected the truth about her to be exposed further.
Such a portfolio shift further exposes the financial sector to negative shocks.
MacMahon's inexperience was further exposed in how he drew up his troops for battle.
If exposed to OZ further, his mutation will most likely continue, like his father's.
He fell forward against the doorjamb, further exposed, eyes blazing with pain, and managed to will his shattered fingers to aim the gun again.
Since Courson's testimony, the self-injection anarchy of the locker room has been further exposed.
Other manufacturers have expressed alarm about the effects of new trade agreements, fearing they could further expose products to inexpensive competitors in developing countries.
Eventually he met Rose Montaya who further exposed him to her techniques and those passed down from her mother.