To argue was only to humiliate herself I further, but she fought a losing battle with her temper.
Later, in the stage, Christie further humiliates the two in front of the entire room.
Later, he further humiliates Bolli and Guðrún by preventing the sale of some land which they had intended to buy.
Cristal further humiliates Nomi by suggesting she make a "goodwill appearance" at a boat trade show which turns out to be a thinly disguised form of prostitution.
Why further humiliate his wife and expose his children to more ridicule?
Officials hope that such an attack would further humiliate Mr. Hussein and embolden what they describe as restive military leaders to move against him.
"Russia is still the world's second nuclear power, and we cannot further humiliate her with impunity in her present state of prostration," El País said.
To further humiliate them, the Japanese assign only one guard to the group, an elderly sergeant.
Three years later in 1899 Kurt Johannes wanted to further humiliate and demoralize the Arusha people.
Were they meant to further humiliate the prisoners?