Public confusion further impeded a higher ballot return.
That has always irritated the Galápagos's 16,000 residents, who must now also worry about befouled waters further impeding their livelihood.
The devastating plan would further impede access to clean drinking water, a crisis linked to high rates of disease in low-income communities.
It also imposes restrictions that will further impede the program's effectiveness.
A growing backlash of nationalist sentiment further impeded Brazil's programme.
A typhoon began on 8 November, and heavy rains that followed for several days further impeded American progress.
They also built redoubts and trenches east of the fort to impede further any attack via land.
But a burst of economic nationalism could be self-defeating, especially if it further impedes a free flow of goods and investment between republics.
Other variables, from budget constraints to an influx of immigrants, could further impede progress.
At the same time, structural funding is used in small, scattered amounts in various areas of society, which further impedes auditing of its use.