This in turn leads to brain drain in favour of the North that further impoverishes the South.
It further impoverishes and destabilizes communities and drives illicit crops to other areas.
The Arcadia was a reaction against Secentismo, but a reaction that only succeeded in impoverishing still further and completely withering Italian literature.
Several black and Hispanic members complained the machines would further impoverish already poor people in the Bronx and Queens.
Furthermore, these schools will drain resources from the local authority's schools, further impoverishing what is already a chronically underfunded system.
Turning off the spigot would further impoverish the Iraqi people.
Human considerations aside, would it truly promote democracy in Fidel Castro's island tyranny to further impoverish the Cuban people?
Arthur O. Eve, a Buffalo Democrat, said he believed a planned casino in that city would further impoverish already poor neighborhoods.
The SPDC clearly wants to further impoverish its people.
This served to further impoverish the small village and greatly reduced its population.