If they took part in passing on insider information, the potential profits were still greater, the incentives to do the deal magnified further.
Also, increasing temperature and ocean acidification are predicted to have a synergistic effect; ocean warming will further magnify ocean acidification changes.
Slow floppy disk drives were common for programmers at the time, further magnifying Turbo Pascal's speed advantage.
Repetition of the noxious stimulus evokes a progressively escalating response in the cord, which further magnifies the pain - a phenomenon termed 'wind up.'
Rabbinical sources still further magnify the prosperity which Judea enjoyed under Alexandra.
Almost certainly, most agree, it will further magnify the importance of the opening weekend.
And the fact that 90 percent of all desktop PC's run on Microsoft software, the report states, further magnifies the danger.
The East German mark had been practically worthless outside of East Germany for some time before the events of 1989-90, further magnifying the problem.
When they began living (or, in the case of Denisov, sojourning) abroad, their proximity further magnified them and virtually hid their contemporaries from view.
And when they come to Washington, they enter a work environment that only further magnifies their self-importance.