The Semana Trágica further perpetuated the decline of Argentinian anarchism.
The song's suggestive lyrics and music video further perpetuated Bananarama's sensual visual image that the group began to incorporate with their previous album True Confessions.
"It's these same stereotypes that further perpetuate the racism that has occurred throughout history on this campus," Mr. England said before the march.
However, this resulted in the formation of exclusively Jewish country clubs, further perpetuating the problem of segregation.
Cuban immigrants further perpetuated Cuban migration through the emergence of a materialistic culture in Miami.
Critics, including the editorial board of The Orlando Sentinel, have claimed that the bill further perpetuates the theories.
Thus, children instilled with hatreds and prejudices for "foreigners" grew to perpetuate further the notion of the inferiority of southern and eastern European immigrants.
These assumptions further perpetuate the differences between the two and lead to even further stereotypes and have lasted for well over a century.
By calling the article "A Consumer Guide," you seemed to be suggesting that we each "choose our weapon" and further perpetuate this insane love affair America has with guns.
The shifting of homophonic yet discant-like use of harmony followed by drones with florid melodic activity further perpetuates a Medieval quality.