A war seen as premature or unnecessary would further polarize the Arab states.
And if so, do you think that would be a good thing, or would it further polarize and alienate the American people?
The shooting threatened to further polarize a tense political campaign.
They do nothing but further polarize an already divisive community.
Malone was asked if his latest remarks would further polarize him from fans and peers.
But since the civil war broke out in 1990, ethnic violence has flared, further polarizing the country.
"The latest terrorist offensive is aimed at provoking a coup because this would further polarize the country," one politician said.
A.N.C. officials described the union as an attempt to preserve white privilege and said that it would further polarize the country.
I felt it was going to further polarize the city and make it unsafe for all teen-age black boys to walk on the street.
First, it further polarizes the political cesspool, and this polarization is making America increasingly difficult to govern.