The virtual network created in message boards or private forums further radicalizes and cements the jihadi-Salafi message individuals have encountered as they build a community.
He said the rebels had adopted a strategy of harassing troops in order to provoke a violent response that could further radicalize Indian peasants.
FORJA became further radicalized, and shifted towards more nationalistic positions.
The Pentagon has argued that further isolating Iran may further radicalize the country.
What could further radicalize this NATO approach?
Officials wanting to further radicalize Venezuela's socialist-inspired economic policies applauded the decision, while the vice president, José Vicente Rangel, derided it.
His "murder", as the rebels saw it, further radicalized the countryside.
Ankara was worried that the newcomers would further radicalize Turkey's own Kurdish population.
"This will further radicalize Palestinian society," said Ghassan Khatib, the Palestinian labor minister.
One of the factions further radicalized into the infamous United Red Army which killed twelve of its own members in self-criticism sessions.