I recognized further that there was something farcical in the thought of the Gorean male lending his hand to such small, unimportant work.
On November 24, 1944, the Silver class was introduced to further recognize Bronze holders with continued merits and acts of valor.
It further recognizes that each 506th Veteran has the right to participate equally with all other Currahees in Association activities.
Colasurdo further recognizes Vanzant's gutsy, honest approach to handling difficult situations.
Congress further recognized that the H-2A provisions required enforcement mechanisms lest they become mere paper guarantees.
I am truly humbled to receive this treasured award and believe it also further recognises the excellence of the British film industry.
Coon further recognizes the following terminology of earlier authors:
The Bahuma further recognise him as the arbiter of life, sickness, and death.
LSC further recognizes that its decisions have the potential to directly affect state funding, resource allocation, and other considerations.