Yukos later denied that would happen, but the possibility further roiled an already turbulent situation.
Further roiling the waters were conflicting reports today about whether eIsland, a group of investors led by the Irish businessman Denis O'Brien, had withdrawn from the bidding.
Instead of turning voters away from his rivals, the comment only further roiled Brazil's markets.
The afghani has since been roiled further by suggestions that the country temporarily adopt the United States dollar as its official currency.
Whatever the reason, the rise in such seaborne smuggling is further roiling relations between Customs and the highly competitive international shipping business, which is just beginning to emerge from a 15-year slump.
The surprisingly high figure will further roil a debate next week about whether to lift the 13-year-old ban on silicone implants for breast enhancement.
It came at a cost politically, though, and further roiled Ukraine's political landscape six months before new parliamentary elections.
Taco Bell further roiled the field yesterday by unexpectedly disclosing a review on the creative part of its account, with billings estimated at $200 million.
Philip S. Angell, an official of Browning-Ferris Industries, one of the country's largest waste disposal companies, said the commission's decision would further roil the industry.
And, as often happens in such cases, the clashing medical experts in the Pereira affair further roiled the case.