Five minutes later, she opened the door between their two rooms, and Alex knew there was no point speculating further.
No one else cared to speculate further on the Enterprise's absence.
For now, she didn't dare speculate further; there were too many unknowns.
But the Soviet minister declined to speculate further into the future.
"They just took some time to think about it," he suggested, politely declining to speculate further.
Before he could attempt to speculate further, a new thought appeared in his mind.
If I lay stress on a particular question, they will speculate further.
"There's at least one fatality, but I won't speculate further right now because we don't know how far the damage went."
So he told himself only that he should end the fight quickly and not speculate further.
Permit me to inform you that there is no basis for speculating further on those lines.