This left her stigmatized further, as Orthorbbae Towers are meant to be for male students only.
There are those who believe that bringing a war-crimes case against Saddam is the morally correct thing to do because it further stigmatizes him and would never allow him to function as a normal leader.
But some of those who work in the projects dismiss the get-tough-with-crime measures as political grandstanding that are helping to further stigmatize youngsters from the projects.
Only a small percentage of mentally ill people are violent, and many advocates bristle at any link between mental illness and violence out of concern that it will further stigmatize an already mistreated population.
It is my hope that we do not allow this event to further stigmatize those who are in need of or are currently receiving treatment but instead see it as an opportunity to bring attention to this important health issue which affects approximately 60 million Americans.
Grand Theft Auto further stigmatized Little Haiti as a crime ridden ghetto.
Black and Hispanic Democrats complained that such a test would further stigmatize minority students, who would inevitably perform worse than whites.
Some mental health advocates have objected to the proposal because they said it could further stigmatize the mentally ill and violate their privacy rights by putting more medical information into a national database.
To be sure, cigarette makers are not ever likely to endorse a government advertising ban, because it would further stigmatize the cigarette business.
Immediately following the attack on Parks her neighbors had expressed concern that media hype would further stigmatize their neighborhood and city, and Parks herself urged reporters not to read too much into the event.