The districts were further sub-divided into 'Stadtkreise' (city districts) and 'Kreishauptmannschaften' (county administration crews).
For additional precision, each square can optionally be sub-divided further, into subsquares.
Each division is further split into districts (zila) which are then further sub-divided into Upazilas.
The divisions were further sub-divided into taluks and union panchayats or village committees.
Each division is further split into Districts (Bengali: জেলা zila) which are then further sub-divided into Upazilas.
The College is organized into three divisions, which are then further sub-divided into twenty-two departments, as follows:
These classes are sub-divided further into their three-dimensional (3D volumetric) and two-dimensional (2D planar or surface) realizations.
This heading is further sub-divided into a variety of everyday commercial uses.
These five districts were further sub-divided into Stadtkreise (urban counties) and Kreishauptmannschaften (rural counties).
The cohorts were further sub-divided into three maniples, which in turn were split into two centuries of about 60-100 men each.