She went around to each of the other Silent slaves up for sale, her manner brisk yet furtive.
What their mission was he could not know, for they lacked the furtive manner of egg stealers.
She was packing her red dress, and with a furtive little manner about the whole operation.
I was first to see him and recognized him by his furtive manner: 'Dad!
Why did he have to look round in that furtive manner.
I saw a man leaving that building in what I can only describe as a very furtive manner.
In the hallways, he also passed subdued men and women, the scientists, with their furtive manner.
The fang-toothed gangster looked about him in a furtive manner.
He looked about in a furtive manner, noted the barred windows.
The pitch is often made in a furtive manner, as if the deal were shady.