To restore power, reinstall the main fuse block(s).
Easily recognized, they generally are mounted in black plastic brackets called fuse blocks, which have wire handles.
Restore the power by reinstalling the main fuse block.
Paired fuses are usually mounted in removable plastic boxes, called fuse blocks, in the panel.
It has a 4-fuse, fuse block providing for the headlights, turn signals, rectifier/regulator, etc.
Prior to 1996, many DLC's were in the engine compartment, usually near the fuse block.
To view the fuses, you must remove the fuse block.
Use the puller to press the new fuse into place and restore the power by reinstalling the main fuse block.
Do not number the fuse block or breakers controlling the main power supply.
To remove a fuse block, simply pull on the handle and withdraw the unit.