After a futile resistance, all three were killed by the overwhelming enemy force.
Taking in enough force to make resistance futile - and there's the problem of surprise and collusion.
They work in teams to clear side streets and bombed-out buildings of small pockets of brave but futile resistance.
"I don't want to see you waste your final hours or days in futile resistance to an inevitable fate."
Ultimately, our towering position, as well as economies of scale in the production of opinion and analysis, will make resistance futile.
After Khrest had been pushed down on the bunk he gave up his futile resistance and stretched out his limbs.
The other took me by an elbow, gently but with enough power to show how futile resistance would be.
In one detail, a dinner has been broken up and the diners are putting up a futile resistance.
The built-in audience and bullish studio marketing spend make resistance futile.
The war was the last, futile resistance to the rules of white society by charismatic chiefs like Crazy Horse.