These inspections greatly reduce the possibility that we will be surprised by future advancements in Russian weapons technology or deployment.
He is the editor and founder of Nexpected magazine which reports on upcoming future advancements.
To see a mansion from distant points, foretells future advancement.
In the modern world, shame is no barrier to future advancement, on the racetrack or off it.
Many look to the history of technological advancements as proof that these future advancements are possible, at least in theory.
They approved a face-saving substitute that is less sweeping but would still give Congress excessive power to control future advancements for women in the military.
Get a degree and you have cleared the threshold to the possibility of future advancement.
This provided Boyd with some cash, and opportunity for future advancement.
TWO, that there will be very real prospects for future advancement.
It was under her leadership that the Center's program was molded to form the basis for future advancement.