Your future benefits would be cut by the amount that's diverted into the stock market.
These bear markets cut the money available to pay current and future benefits.
The change is being made because the government wants to base future benefits on career average earnings rather than final salary.
Whatever future benefits her example of hard work sets, it has also brought new stress, especially for the two girls who miss their mother's attention.
But we need to balance uncertain future benefits against certain costs today.
But at others, employees must switch, and some have seen the value of future benefits drop 20 to 50 percent.
In addition, not promising future benefits, financial or medical, has deep roots.
He also suggested that there might be a middle ground in approaches to cutting future benefits.
These Prophets never make changes for their own future benefit.
She said that military service would give black women a chance to "show their ability" and be "of future benefit to the whole race."