There is nothing in America's legislative response, nor in the UK's proposals, to prevent future calamities.
Even before Katrina, Americans were sending more short messages than ever before, a sign that they will become popular as digital lifelines in future calamities.
Lesmic, Gengi, Pliny, and Zul-might break apart in some hypothetical future calamity.
It had consequences for the Church, state, European society and future calamities to follow in the fourteenth century.
To help prevent future calamities, Norwest instituted tighter lending criteria.
Young or old, male or female, stylish or frumpy, pretty or homely, each caught at a moment in time, oblivious to future calamity.
But he proceeded to do just that, neglecting Afghanistan in ways that foreshadowed the future calamity in Iraq.
Here the foul Harpies make their nests, who chased the Trojans from the Strophades with dismal announcement of future calamity.
Tolerance of underage drinking in any capacity begs a future calamity and one in which too often is fraught with carnage, both physical and emotional.
The tower was reconstructed and reinforced to prevent future calamity.