It's actually a method to develop manhood and character they need our future citizens.
May be these are our future citizens getting molded.
He wrote history on the spot so that future citizens could read in his pictures what their country stood for when it was still young.
They promoted government intervention in attempts to promote the health of future citizens.
That was a shame; it meant the future citizens of Lambert were destined to be alone.
But why must I worry about those future citizens, today's citizen-slob might reason, even if they are likely to include me?
He remains of particular interest to the future citizens who abducted and returned the 4400.
The library has always been aware towards students and future citizens.
We owe it to our country and to our country's future citizens to take action.
The state, he said, has a responsibility to educate its future citizens, but it does not have "the right to take the place of parents."