Some people have suggested that future colonists on Mars could use lava tunnels as shelters.
The region would also provide "living space" for future German colonists.
I'm supposed to make things easy for any future colonist.
With a little bit of luck, they would probably find a variety of animal life that future colonists could eat.
It looked as if any future colonists would have a good supply of meat.
We just want someone to know what happened to us, and perhaps bring a problem to attention that may save the lives of future colonists.
This idea would be very important for future colonists on Mars who would like to live near a source of water.
They may be an easy way for future colonists of Mars to find water ice.
This discovery proves that future colonists on Mars will be able to obtain water from a wide variety of locations.
Mars may contain ores that will be very useful to future colonists.