Though no one was arrested, it was reported that the City of London pledged to counter future disruption of the underground system.
Additional bridges were constructed later to reduce the likelihood of future disruption of revenue due to accidents.
- Meego (its coordinated effort with Intel) is going to be part of a "future disruption" effort which will look at, well, future mobile disruptions.
That sensitizes people to concerns that future disruptions are possible.
However, many wealthy people, worried about future disruptions, seem to be reassessing their purchasing plans.
These steps are the best insurance against future disruptions.
Skeptics have argued that the possibility of future disruptions should not affect current prices.
Authorities warn of possible future disruptions and advise conservation as work continues to restore power to the entire grid.
But some Congressional specialists see merit in the department's argument that a second reactor would insure against future disruption of tritium supplies.
There also has been debate over a preemptive displacement of your homeworld and your species, to prevent future disruptions of our Great Work.