The $2.5 million award was designated for future medical expenses.
"Doctors are much more at risk here than in England," he said, "where no future medical expenses are part of the verdict."
As for rate increases, in addition to having to pay additional costs, there will be future expenses to comply with clean water regulations.
Under the rule, each year beginning in 1993, companies must estimate and report a portion of their future medical expenses for retirees.
Don't even talk about the money you save in future medical expenses.
In addition, companies should expect their future medical expenses to increase, since they will now have to record the benefits as their employees earn them.
But, he said, the board and apartment owners agreed to keep the proceeds in the building's reserve fund to meet future expenses.
Baker says short-term sales could end up creating significant future expense if the government isn't careful.
This may lead to unnecessary future expense, damage, and even threats to public safety.
The gain was partially offset by $345 million in charges for future environmental and other expenses.