If they think you are going to lose, they go look for someone who will has a future favor in his or her pocket.
Ambitious people saw it as a path to the future Satrap's favor; they began to supply his desire.
Would you have us escort you against future favors from your Wizardly master?
They celebrate the past while bidding for future favor.
Although all those involved deny any wrongdoing, many Japanese believe that the company was trying to pave the way for future favors.
They did it in exchange for future favors, which, luckily, they never got to collect on.
Once word gets around that you're back, people will be falling over themselves to pay your bills, in return for future favors.
You will do this for us, in return for future favors.
"Perhaps it is a payment for future favors."
Might cost a future favor, so it was simpler to laugh.