Many of Apple's future fights will be about content.
As a tax exempt organization it will seek to harness the energy of the president's re-election campaign for future legislative fights.
It was unclear whether they were retreating out of fear or prudence, perhaps eager to save their planes for some future fight.
This arm of the state was designed to prepare the Polish society for a future fight for the country's liberation.
However, some believe that he is sincere so as to prevent any further controversy surrounding his sons' future fights.
But before any future fights, King said he wanted to concentrate on making Saturday night's fight a success, regardless of who wins.
So, talk to your child about ways to avoid future fights while still saving face.
Others had spoken about big money from future fights being jeopardized, or that it was simply a refusal to face reality.
The tactics adopted by me against the large boy was to be used in all future fights with taller opponents, with the same success.
Time was when the loser in any battle went off to lick his wounds and contemplate future fights.