No less an evaluator of corporate and athletic upsides than Michael Jordan called them a future force.
General Butler said the future nuclear force would have to be more flexible, able to respond to changing threats within 48 hours.
It is hinted that his resurrection was at the hands of the same future forces that created the 4400 in the first place.
He referred to this future force as the 'Big Blue Fleet'.
Coercion strategy "relies on the threat of future military force to influence an adversary's decision making but may also include limited uses of actual force."
A threat of future force is not sufficient.
They are both veterans and pensioners of the future European force.
There are many novel uses for these fluids, including use in the US army's planned future force warrior project.
It is clear that the cuts will come at the expense of not only today's military, but the future force.
Italy's and Spain's lack the training and much of the arms to play a credible part in a future European force.