In some cases, future potential incarnations can achieve independent, though temporary, existence.
The Doctor, in talking to the man, comes to believe he may be a future incarnation of himself, who is suffering from amnesia.
The Ringi's effects can be passed on to future incarnations.
During this pre-life period the soul is in the spirit world preparing itself for a future incarnation.
He will babble just as freely about his future incarnations.
Perhaps they would come together in a future incarnation - not the next, probably, but perhaps the one after.
Is there a karmic effect on a woman in a future incarnation because of this act?
Perhaps one of my future incarnations shall put a stop to it.
His future incarnation told Paige that he has yet to develop the power to heal.
The group stumbles upon a water supply, only to find the future incarnation of the Abomination.