Asteroid 9491 Thooft is named in his honor; he has written a constitution for its future inhabitants.
The future inhabitants of this region, wherever they may place their houses, may be sure that they have been anticipated.
He presented inaction as a threat to future inhabitants of the planet: "Succeeding generations depend on us," he said.
"Shall we leave a note for its future inhabitants, sir?"
The Fantastic Four set up headquarters in their old building to help the Earth's future inhabitants.
The future inhabitants of Nunavut are preparing for a bonanza.
We positioned it so that it faced away from the doorway, to avoid draughts and to give the future inhabitants a little privacy.
The project was a strong partnership among future inhabitants and the city of Culemborg, consultants and other people.
We are concerned, in other words, with the future inhabitants of Britain (and of the world).
The asteroid 9491 Thooft has been named in his honor, and he has written a constitution for its future inhabitants.