Once things are more advanced, I might hope you could include a leaflet in a future mailing.
The State Committee said it would not use the names or quotations in future mailings.
Direct inquiries do not include a request to be added to a mailing list, subscription list, or other request to receive future mailings.
Would senders mail only to people who have opted in to receive it, or would they merely have to give recipients an opportunity to opt out of future mailings?
The settlement between the Justice Department and a mail order company called for a court-appointed official to review the truthfulness of the company's future mailings.
If you order a report, for example, the information may be used to register you with one of our electronic mailout databases so that we could include you in future mailings.
But he called upon Democrats not to be intimidated by the Republican mailing and said his party would ask state election officials to issue rules to head off any future mailings.
To receive future mailings on the conference or for additional information please contact Senator Leahy via email or call 802-229-0569.
When finally reached, though, Mr. Schmidt said the 501.6 percent claim was a typographical error that has been corrected to 83.6 percent for future mailings.
For the party, it's a way of capturing e-mail addresses for future mailings in the fall campaign and a way of building enthusiasm.