His suspension on the 10th came with a stern warning that future misconduct may result in the end of his career with the NFL.
First, it may not be possible effectively to prohibit certain future misconduct, or to do so without excessive regulatory burden, by conduct remedies.
The committees, whose primary mission is to prevent future misconduct, do not make a finding of guilt or innocence or impose penalties but rather offer recommendations to the court.
Many of the remaining terms of the settlement agreement are focused on limiting the ability of the school's president to control the board and to prevent future financial misconduct.
They also would have warned him that future misconduct would result in termination.
This would be a deterrent for future misconduct and a wake-up call to discipline bad officers.
Justice Souter said the Government could be held accountable for its actions through injunctions against future misconduct, which could include fines for continued violations.
Damages may be compensatory (for loss or injury) or punitive (to punish and deter future misconduct).
"Our job will be to monitor and enforce the existing rules concerning fiduciary appointments and to investigate past and future misconduct," she said.
The settlement required Raveché to repay low-interest loans from the school, and for Stevens to correct by-laws and avoid future financial misconduct.