This data can help determine product reliability and plan for future modifications.
This mission has put the CALCM program in the spotlight for future modifications.
After the plebiscite, several modifications to the Constitution were agreed and subjected to referendum, among them a simplification on the mechanism of future modification.
Any future modifications will be simple, difficult, or nearly impossible, depending on how the original part was created.
Regardless, the possible abolition of the Māori electorates appeared indicated when they did not appear among the electoral provisions "entrenched" against future modification.
Because hybrid connectors are modular in nature, they tend to simplify assembly, repair, and future modifications.
The Model 72 was not mass-produced but, was instead, used as flying test bed for future modifications to the Navion line.
A directive cannot provide for future modification of another directive which concerns health and safety at the workplace.
Beginning as early as 1973, only seven years after the beginning of production, the French began a research program for a future modification of the tank.
But there's a risk that possible future modification of the rules could turn into very large exceptions.