Since wildlife monitoring is limited to a few countries, the full extent and future outlook of bushmeat is not currently known.
The future outlook for the race is black, and that's not just a pigment of my imagination.
Paired with each is a paragraph on the "future outlook" of each topic.
This book would prove to be influential in his future artistic outlook.
What's the future outlook for gasoline prices?
Keynes's experience at Versailles was influential in shaping his future outlook, yet it was not a successful one for him.
Nevertheless, it is important to get better acquainted with each country's past so that we are able to appreciate democracy and adopt a brighter future outlook.
This document is vital to both the future financial outlook and the future of the cohesion policy, which we have already begun to discuss.
Despite overwhelmingly positive reaction from passengers and an encouraging future outlook, the airline had to close down when an investor withdrew support at short notice.
The future outlook for expanded production from conventional and enhanced geothermal systems is positive as new technologies promise increased growth in locations previously not considered.