A state-contingent claim, or state claim, is a contract whose future payoffs depend on future states of the world.
He's literally worth millions to Alpha in future payoffs.
Regardless of the future payoff, it is the right thing to do.
This is a gigantic business undertaking on every level, from network executive suites to advertiser campaigns to possible future payoffs for the athletes.
He put in more of his own money and hung on, persuading suppliers to stick with the project on the promise of a future payoff.
One way is to transfer future payoffs from one player to others.
This is a way to punish a potential deviator without reducing the total future payoffs.
The imitation also ensures them a higher future payoff by reducing the expectations of the B t 's on the A's type.
We keep him focused on the future payoff, not the change in plans.
In real world situations, "discounting makes sense because of the inherent uncertainty of future payoffs."