And more broadly, the tax-cut crusade will make it very hard for any future politicians to raise taxes.
Through his activities he set directions of work for future politicians of the independent state.
Some of these criminals had taken part in the Resistance during the war, and even been deported, thus creating lasting links with future politicians.
An international treaty is far harder for future politicians to wriggle out of than commitments at a national level.
The benefit of serious policy research accrues to future politicians and citizens.
Ramsey turned to study law, which then was regarded as the best training for a future politician.
Many well-known authors, intellectuals, and future leading politicians and officials were among them.
At the same time they are telling us that we should trust future politicians to have the courage to break a constitutional mandate.
It is to be hoped that in future leading politicians from European parties will stand for this post.
Furthermore, she added, Princeton graduates probably include future politicians who love dance and other arts are more likely to think of them at budget time.