In this method when the sights were on the target, the barrel was pointed at the target's future position.
From a state vector, the object's current and future position can be determined.
Could this mean a future position in the front office for Trottier?
Although the senior team is currently playing the Down Division 2, hopes are high for the future position of the club.
When future positions came open, they'd go to the ones deemed loyal and dedicated.
Could you not allow the voting again on future positions?
As the end of the war neared, the prisoners began to worry about their future position in Japanese society.
Essentially, the director predicts future position based on the aircraft's present location and how it is moving.
But as the legally responsible authority, there's plenty it can and should do to reinforce the future position of its subjects.
Next year is to be his last with that ensemble, and ostensibly he leaves without a future position.