The activities and events Klan members were impressive to future recruits as they included family picnics and other social events that built solidarity.
But you will be the ones to select future recruits, using similar techniques.
Marine instructors will lead their young charges (and possibly future recruits) in chin-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks and other exercises.
The Big Ten supports penalizing basketball coaches for not retaining players by limiting future recruits.
It has also decided to require that all future recruits have served two years in the military or accumulated two years' worth of college credits.
Only future recruits would be subject to the law.
When the Ducks won the Fiesta Bowl after the 2001 season, their facilities were viewed as well-deserved trappings that would surely attract future recruits.
The towns of Ayala and Cuautla teemed with displaced workers, future recruits to the revolution.
It seems to me, however, that the Commission's present proposal is basically a tidying-up operation to amend the Statutes and remedy the situation for any future recruits.
These first thousand troops will become an elite cadre, and assist in the training of future recruits.