Scottish devolution: what questions will future referendum ask voters?
The sponsor of the measure, Don Hook, a former town councilman, said he had not ruled out future referendums.
The latter declined to accept imperial authority save to delegate it to the Provisional Government pending a future democratic referendum.
The Government has said that membership in the community will be decided in a future referendum.
Gilmore suggested the subject might be revisited by a future referendum.
The government commissioned a report from three academics on factors influencing the public's vote, and lessons for future referendums.
They represented both the yes and the no vote in future referenda.
Perhaps this will mean that future referenda will have a different outcome from those in the past.
Many sentimental republicans voted "no" in the hope of a more radical or populist proposal winning a future referendum.
At the Quebec City gathering, he delivers a speech calling for party unity and a future referendum on sovereignty.