The fines in the criminal case, which will be decided in January, cannot be added to any future requests for rate increases, he said.
The Mayor added that the city would continue to try to work with Oxford on future requests, including additional parking, if necessary.
I know that future requests will be met with the same effort.
When a future request is made, the requestee will feel obliged to act consistently with the earlier one.
This makes public domain items widely accessible for current and future requests and contributes to the preservation of the original.
It is true that the nature of future requests may alter.
The proposed guidelines left individual judges free to turn down any request for television coverage or even to close their courtrooms entirely to all future requests.
Every time an order comes in, a Folkways employee burns five copies, one for the customer, and four for future requests.
Congress will expeditiously consider any future Presidential request for a declaration of war or for authority to use military force against Iraq.
Mr. Kohl refused to commit himself to further contributions, but promised to consider any future requests.