Mid-ranked teams hope for a draw against a peer to improve their chances of reaching future rounds.
Meanwhile small-business owners wonder whether those subsidies will outlive a future round of budget cuts.
The government said a further 24 areas have been identified for a future round of licensing of local TV services.
This sometimes encourages these players to chop on future betting rounds, when everyone else has left the pot.
Israel has persistently demanded that future rounds of bilateral talks with neighbors be held in the Middle East.
The winner of each round creates a new rule which remains in play for future rounds of the game.
The moratorium sets up films for future rounds of theatricial and video release.
The Government also requires contractors to turn over trade secrets, which are often divulged to competitors in future rounds of procurement bidding.
More popular artists' works are worth more, and the value carries over into future rounds.
She told reporters at a White House briefing that there was "some understanding" about Canada's participation in future rounds of bids.