King Maximilian's advisers had suggested that on his daily walks he might like, at times, to be accompanied by his future successor.
In the 1960s and early 1970s Karjalainen was generally seen as Kekkonen's future successor.
Pierre continued running the business with his son and future successor Michel, who began working with him in 1984.
It was during this tour that Thurston presented Bamberg as his future successor.
Norodom thus was compelled to name Sisowath his future successor.
Any of the daijuichi or their future successors have access to it by a limited period of time.
The concept showed how the future successor to the DBS would look.
Hitler's future successors were to be instructed of this, if necessary.
Hitler thought that his future successor might have to carry out this later war, as he believed himself to be too old by then.
In it, he admonished his future successors to maintain the new border which he had created: