This is not about that tiny percentage of future superstars who leave school a year or two early to collect their millions.
Pelé was highly promoted in the local media as a future superstar.
Think of the Young Divas not so much as an act but a finishing school for future superstars.
For all its market testing, Hollywood isn't always on the money when it comes to discovering and grooming future superstars.
Some of Rodz' students have even gone on to train other future superstars.
For a rookie, Ponder looks every bit a future superstar.
Some may go on to become future superstars but it was fun to see so many new faces in tests this year.
Based on their performance in high school, scouts saw Brinkman rather than Rose as the future superstar.
They all saw themselves as future superstars.
Solid young man whom most scouts view as a future superstar.