The company is particularly known for its futuristic designs .
It was rededicated on March 16, 2002 with the new moniker and the current futuristic design.
The remarkably futuristic design was developed starting 1944 and concluding in March 1945.
A futuristic design for its time, the Programma 101 was priced at $3,200 ($23,000 if adjusted to 2011).
Sometimes it takes a sense of history to come up with a futuristic design.
It was a popular font in the 1980s due to its futuristic design, and even today is used to signify the future.
Sendagaya is a mix of old, new, and incredibly futuristic designs.
The new version follows the same rules but has a more futuristic design in red and yellow.
It first opened in 1956 with a forward-looking and futuristic design.
Basic look and proportions of previous car are retained as the futuristic design was welcomed by customers.