Only Oakey, Sulley and Catherall appear, all dressed in black against a futuristic white set.
Plans for KNXV's new newscast, originally built to match the Fox feel, included a futuristic purple set and liberal use of special effects.
It featured a highly futuristic set and Coulter wearing a metallic leotard.
Set in the year 2026, it included elements such as an autonomous robot, a mad scientist, a dystopian society, and elaborate futuristic sets.
Telecast in color on October 18, 1959, the hour-long drama took place in the year 2359 amid futuristic sets designed by Ted Cooper.
It revolutionized the look and feel of game shows with its unique lighting system, dramatic music cues, and futuristic set.
The science fiction tale of a rampaging robot took place in the year 2359 amid futuristic sets designed by Ted Cooper.
As a production designer he created all the futuristic sets for Space: 1999 (1975-77) and Star Maidens (1976).
The futuristic set and flowing dress are reminiscent of Madonna's music video for "Bedtime Story" (1995).
There are no explosions or elaborate special effects, no large and futuristic sets, and the science fictional McGuffin is talked about but never seen.