What possible defensive gain might accrue to such a- Beside her, Ren Zel hissed, for all the worlds like an offended house cat.
The answer is always yes, because the gain of doing so would accrue solely to him, while the loss incurred by overfishing would be shared by everyone.
Any capital gains will be liable to tax on the arising basis, that is, in the year that the gain accrues.
It may be, thirdly, that the gains from more flexible forms of employment contracts are also accruing in female part-time work in the service sector.
Albert O. Hirschman (1945) for example, has pointed out that the "gains from trade do not accrue to states proportionately and the distribution of these gains can affect interstate power relations.
Usually, the biggest gains accrue during prolonged market advances, Mr. Roth pointed out.
Yet no financial gain accrued to him should he decide well and his father's affairs prosper.
Underinvestment problem (or Debt overhang problem): If debt is risky (e.g., in a growth company), the gain from the project will accrue to debtholders rather than shareholders.
However, this provision applies only where the gain accrues on the disposal of the asset within three years of the change of ownership.
Another gain can accrue to Asian companies with debt denominated in dollars: as the dollar falls, so does their debt.