Bredenkamp gained considerable clout in the political and economic affairs of Zimbabwe.
Middle-class merchants were gaining economic clout, and it is the art they sponsored that dominates the second half of the show.
Mr. Hernandez said gaining political clout was on the agenda.
Ripon gained clout on both the local, regional and national levels during his term.
They do it to gain clout and recognition in their field, and to live up to their charge to educate the public.
Many are sent out into everyday life to gain political clout and other resources for Cobra.
Even the Brooklyn Heights Association is hopeful, saying the neighborhood has gained greater political clout.
The function is honorary for the most part, but indicates that Bellemare was gaining political clout.
The whole issue has become extremely political as Indian movements have gained power and political clout.
Now for the first time, it is gaining economic and military clout, largely because it enjoys one of the most buoyant economies in the world.