As they gained recognition and further competence they would begin speaking out to the public.
You may not become an Olympic rider that fast, but it is a skill you can gain competence in so quickly as opposed to other sports.
They were both gaining competence with the new language, but Thonolan spoke it better.
During her training, a student is expected to gain competence in a wide range of skills.
When the second language is taught formally, the focus is always concentrated on gaining grammatical competence that is comparable to the native speakers.
As mentioned before, children gain social competence from being involved in the Special Olympics.
Indramat was acquired by the hydraulic concern Rexroth in 1965, in order to gain competence in machine control.
The assembly can gain further legislative competence by the amendment of Schedule 5.
Particularly with the constitutional treaty in mind, we were of the opinion that this was an area in which Parliament should gain greater competence.
With the acquisition of ADtranz, Bombardier gained competence in the electrical propulsion components business.