David Hudson's eyes were riveted to the low-slung game table, trying to gain focus.
They were free to open global floating windows, however, since these could neither gain nor lose focus.
This year, the vision gained focus, and Pentagon officials started explaining it in some detail to Congress.
The team shut itself away in Benalmádena, close to the scene of the game, in order to gain focus.
Although quite upset at the time, Sudduth later acknowledged that this incident helped him gain focus on both his academic and athletic life.
Now he seemed to have gained focus, though his breathing gurgled with blood.
It is simply one that is gaining focus and dominating strategy.
The orchestra gained focus during the overture, but the coordination between pit and stage remained shaky through the first scene.
Galvanized by a fresh surge of adrenaline, Ben found his every sense gaining laser-like focus.
At half a kilometer and falling, details on the ground gained focus rapidly.